Monday, July 20, 2009

...+ Well 'ard +...

My favorite shots i really really like them i had one of Lucy too but my finger was over the lens of the camera (i'm a dumbass)

from top to bottom

Sid Charity @ Select
Dan Payne @ Models1
Joe Wickens @ Premier



Sunday, July 19, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

...+ Posse +...

These pics were taken on the bus out on NYE


...+ Part +...


Thursday, July 16, 2009

...+ Lucy +...

Also shot Lucy in Gareth Pugh Homme for the August issue of i-D

sorry mass posting ^^;

...+ Shooting +...

Did a couple of pages for the August issue of i-D with Marius Hansen
Did a feature on Christopher Kane T-shirts and Gareth Pugh menswear
i'll post the final printed images when i get the tear sheets

We shot Sid Charity at Select, Dan Payne at Models1 and Joe Wickens at Premier


...+ Pussy +...

I love William (the kitten from squallyoaks)


...+ Sid Charity +...

Sid Charity at Select

Amazing face, I just shot him for the August issue of i-D here's a snap I took on set
